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Job Description and Jobs

Job Description:

  • 1) Operates mill equipped with rollers to grind paste of premixed ingredients, such as pigments, resins, solvents, oils, and plasticizers, for use in paint, lacquer, and ink: Moves controls to set specified roll spacing and pressure.

  • 2) Starts flow of water through roll cooling system to prevent ignition or discoloration of paste.

  • 3) Adjusts feed gate to regulate flow of paste from hopper onto feeder roll.

  • 4) Secures scraper blade to takeoff roll and bolts chute to scraper blade, allowing paste to flow from roll into thinning and storage tanks or scrapes paste from mill apron into container, using spatula.

  • 5) Tests paste sample for fineness, using grind gauge, or sends sample to laboratory for analysis.

  • 6) Adjusts roll pressure controls to regulate flow of paste during grinding.

  • 7) Cleans equipment, using scrapers and solvents.

  • 8) May pump specified types and quantities of thinners into thinning tank.

  • 9) May blend specified extenders with paste, using portable mixer.




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End Of Job Description for: "ROLLER-MILL OPERATOR"
DOT:   555.682-014

Job Number: 8535