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Job Description and Jobs

Job Description:

  • 1) Coordinates tram-car loading activities in wood-preserving plant to expedite movement of wood products into treatment retorts, tallies products loaded to verify against customer orders, and records product-load data for use by processing personnel: Confers with supervisors to determine processing schedule.

  • 2) Determines combinations of orders which can be processed together and number and sizes of tram cars required for each retort charge, according to retort capacities, wood types, and estimate of product volume.

  • 3) Directs RIGGER and OVERHEAD CRANE OPERATOR in tram-car loading operations.

  • 4) Examines loaded tram cars to verify linkage between cars and determine need for securing load.

  • 5) Counts products in each car by size and wood type and compares total against customer specifications to ensure that orders are complete.

  • 6) Times loading activities for each order and posts time in tally book.

  • 7) Computes displacement of each retort charge, using calculator, records displacement figure onto record form, and delivers form to TREATING-PLANT SUPERVISOR to clear load for processing and provide processing data.




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End Of Job Description for: "RETORT-LOAD EXPEDITER"
DOT:   221.167-022

Job Number: 8410