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Job Description and Jobs

Job Description:

  • 1) Plans and conducts public relations program designed to create and maintain favorable public image for employer or client: Plans and directs development and communication of information designed to keep public informed of employer's programs, accomplishments, or point of view.

  • 2) Arranges for public relations efforts in order to meet needs, objectives, and policies of individual, special interest group, business concern, nonprofit organization, or governmental agency, serving as in-house staff member or as outside consultant.

  • 3) Prepares and distributes fact sheets, news releases, photographs, scripts, motion pictures, or tape recordings to media representatives and other persons who may be interested in learning about or publicizing employer's activities or message.

  • 4) Purchases advertising space and time as required.

  • 5) Arranges for and conducts public-contact programs designed to meet employer's objectives, utilizing knowledge of changing attitudes and opinions of consumers, clients, employees, or other interest groups.

  • 6) Promotes goodwill through such publicity efforts as speeches, exhibits, films, tours, and question/answer sessions.

  • 7) Represents employer during community projects and at public, social, and business gatherings.

  • 8) May research data, create ideas, write copy, lay out artwork, contact media representatives, or represent employer directly before general public.

  • 9) May develop special projects such as campaign fund raisers or public awareness about political issues.

  • 10) May direct activities of subordinates.

  • 11) May confer with production and support personnel to coordinate production of television advertisements and on-air promotions.

  • 12) May prepare press releases and fact sheets, and compose letters, using computer.

  • 13) May disseminate facts and information about organization's activities or governmental agency's programs to general public and be known as Public Information Officer.




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DOT:   165.167-014

Job Number: 8044