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Job Description and Jobs

Job Description:

  • 1) Assigns dressing room facilities, locker space or clothing containers, and supplies to patrons of athletic or bathing establishment: Issues dressing room or locker key.

  • 2) Receives patron's clothing-filled container, furnishes claim check, places container on storage shelf or rack, and returns container upon receipt of claim check.

  • 3) Issues athletic equipment, bathing suit, or supplies, such as soap and towels.

  • 4) May arrange for valet services, such as clothes pressing and shoeshining.

  • 5) May collect soiled linen and perform cleaning tasks, such as mop dressing room floors, wash shower room walls and clean bathroom facilities.

  • 6) May collect fees for use of facilities, equipment, or supplies.

  • 7) May pack athletic uniforms and equipment for individual or team out-of-town sporting events.

  • 8) May attend to needs of athletic team in team clubhouse and be designated Clubhouse Attendant.

  • 9) May provide baseball players with baseball bats, retrieve bats and foul balls from field, and supply balls to game officials and be designated Bat Boy/Girl.




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End Of Job Description for: "LOCKER-ROOM ATTENDANT"
DOT:   358.677-014

Job Number: 6009