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Job Description and Jobs

Job Description:

  • 1) Smooths, drills, and tests parts for diesel engine fuel injectors according to specifications, using lapping machine, microscope drill, and testing equipment: Mounts injector check valves on spindle heads.

  • 2) Smooths flat and curved surfaces of valves on rotating disk or semispherically shaped pan containing lapping compound for specified time.

  • 3) Examines samples of lapped valves under binocular microscope for nicks and grooves.

  • 4) Clamps injector spray tip in fixture under microscope drill and moves lever to drill holes into tip.

  • 5) Stamps identifying numbers on injector parts, using roll type metal stamper.

  • 6) Clamps body of injector into holding fixture and inserts tip assembly including check valve, barrel and plunger, stem, spring, and retaining nut.

  • 7) Screws injector into testing machine and moves lever to test operation of plunger, spring, and spray tip outlets.




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End Of Job Description for: "INJECTOR ASSEMBLER"
DOT:   706.684-062

Job Number: 5134