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Job Description and Jobs

Job Description:

  • 1) Inspects film flats for quality, content, and positioning of elements at printing establishment: Places film flats and companion materials, such as artwork, pasteups, layouts, film, and corrected proofs, on light table and examines materials, using magnifying glass to view details in materials.

  • 2) Examines film flat label for identifying information, such as date and job number.

  • 3) Compares film flat to companion materials, using knowledge of film assembly, and measures film flat with ruler to verify conformance to specifications, such as positioning of pages in rotation for folding, trim marks, colors on pages, window sizes, and size, colors, and positioning of elements, such as halftones, screen tints, and type.

  • 4) Examines film flats for defects, such as holes or scratches on film, overlapping or unaligned elements, and incorrect dot percentages in halftones.

  • 5) Returns film flat to STRIPPER, LITHOGRAPHIC I for corrections, or repairs defects, such as pinholes or incomplete and missing halftone dots, with opaque material or needle and crayon pencil.




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End Of Job Description for: "FILM FLAT INSPECTOR"
DOT:   972.284-010

Job Number: 3899