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Job Description and Jobs

Job Description:

  • 1) Tends mechanical or electrical dumping equipment to dump materials, such as grain, raw materials, coal, or ore, from mine cars, railroad cars, or trucks into bins or onto conveyor for storage, reloading, or further processing, using either of following methods: Observes that car or truck is spotted accurately on bed of rotary dump.

  • 2) Moves controls to secure clamps over couplings that hold car while being tipped.

  • 3) Starts motor or pulls lever that tips car and dumps contents.

  • 4) Releases clamps to remove car.

  • 5) Opens bottom or side doors of car or truck spotted over gravity dump.

  • 6) Moves controls to lower car shakeout device into car and to start vibration that loosens remaining coal or ore.

  • 7) May hook winch cables to cars to draw them onto dumping bed.

  • 8) May couple and uncouple cars.

  • 9) May be required to maintain records of unloading operations.

  • 10) May be designated according to type of equipment tended as Car-Shakeout Operator; Rotary-Dump Operator; or according to material unloaded as Grain Unloader, Machine.




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End Of Job Description for: "DUMP OPERATOR"
DOT:   921.685-038

Job Number: 3285