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Job Description and Jobs

Job Description:

  • 1) Installs and inspects rectifier stations and anodes used to minimize corrosive effects of static-electricity discharge between gas pipeline and ground: Measures electric current present in ground, using voltmeter, ammeter, and resistivity meter.

  • 2) Compares electrical quantities with written standard to identify ground areas in which electric current exceeds permissible maximum.

  • 3) Buries rectifier or anode near pipe.

  • 4) Welds connector to pipe, using thermite welding device, and connects wire between connector and anode to complete circuit.

  • 5) Installs insulating flanges at pipe joints to isolate sections of pipe protected by rectifier stations.

  • 6) Periodically tests rectifiers to verify efficiency and replaces defective units.




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End Of Job Description for: "CORROSION-CONTROL FITTER"
DOT:   820.361-010

Job Number: 2416