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Job Description and Jobs

Job Description:

  • 1) Tends mixing tanks and cooling equipment that blend unslacked lime with molasses for extraction of sugar and monosodium glutamate: Turns valves and starts conveyor to fill cooler vat with specified amount of molasses and lime.

  • 2) Starts agitator and cooling system.

  • 3) Reads dials and gauges on panel control board to ascertain temperature, alkalinity, and density of mixture, and turns valves to obtain specified mixture.

  • 4) Opens valves and starts pump to pump mixture to filter station.

  • 5) Records data, such as volume of lime and molasses used, temperature, alkalinity, and density on report form.

  • 6) May be designated according to machine operated as Vortex Operator.




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End Of Job Description for: "COOLER TENDER"
DOT:   520.585-018

Job Number: 2352