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Job Description and Jobs

Job Description:

  • 1) Tends furnace and auxiliary equipment that heat cadmium to produce cadmium oxide: Turns handwheel to tilt and lower mouth of crucible for initial loading, and dumps cadmium balls into crucible until scale indicator reaches specified weight.

  • 2) Returns crucible to upright position and turns control to activate automatic pilot that fires furnace.

  • 3) Positions empty drum under oxide collector discharge outlet, clamps discharge cover over drum, and turns switch that starts flow of cadmium oxide from collector into drum.

  • 4) Periodically scrapes molten accumulation from mouth of crucible, using metal rod.

  • 5) Dumps additional cadmium balls into crucible when indicator falls below prescribed weight, using pipe carrier.

  • 6) Turns switch to stop flow of cadmium oxide when drum is filled.

  • 7) Removes drum from under discharge cover, and closes drum with lid and sealing collar.

  • 8) Weighs drum, records weight on shipping tag, and attaches tag to sealing collar.

  • 9) Periodically scrapes and chips accumulations of cadmium oxide from floor and from crucibles not in use.

  • 10) Sifts scrapings, weighs, and stores solids.

  • 11) Maintains production logs.




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End Of Job Description for: "CADMIUM BURNER"
DOT:   553.685-114

Job Number: 1314