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Job Description and Jobs

Job Description:

  • 1) Prepares budgets based on previous budget figures or estimated revenue and expense: Reviews records of sales and actual operating expenses, such as payrolls and material costs.

  • 2) Compiles tables of revenues and expenses to show current budget status.

  • 3) Writes justifications for overrun or underrun of budget estimates.

  • 4) Computes ratios and percentages to make interdepartmental comparisons, indicate trends, and show other selected factors.

  • 5) Prepares charts and graphs.

  • 6) Tabulates statistical data for presentation in miscellaneous budget reports, using calculator and typewriter or computer.

  • 7) May prepare financial statement showing profit and loss.

  • 8) May examine budget and requisition funds and be designated Expenditure-Requisition Clerk.




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End Of Job Description for: "BUDGET CLERK"
DOT:   216.382-022

Job Number: 1186