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Job Description and Jobs

Job Description:

  • 1) Tends heated kettle and auxiliary equipment to process molten lead and nitric acid into lead nitrate: Loads lead-melting kettle with lead ingots, using hoist.

  • 2) Turns valves to regulate flow of fuel oil and air, and tends stoker or shovels coal to fire furnace that melts lead in kettle.

  • 3) Ladles molten lead into trough or tips melting kettle to pour molten lead into trough for transfer to vat containing nitric acid where ingredients combine to form lead nitrate.

  • 4) Turns outlet valve to transfer lead nitrate to filter press for removal of impurities.

  • 5) Tests sample of filtrate for purity by observing color or using litmus paper.

  • 6) Starts pumps to transfer batch to storage tank.

  • 7) Gauges contents of tanks, using calibrated stick, and records quantity on batch card.

  • 8) May ladle molten lead into vats containing cold water to cause solidification into irregular, spongelike shapes, exposing more surface area for faster chemical reaction in subsequent process treatment.

  • 9) May drain off water and shovel solidified sponged lead onto conveyor for further processing.




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End Of Job Description for: "LEAD-NITRATE PROCESSOR"
DOT:   558.585-030

Job Number: 5821